I Want To Help You Transform Your Health, Body And Mind

Are you ready to make the changes you need to your diet and lifestyle to set yourself on a trajectory to be healthy for the rest of your life?  

Hey there! I'm Dan

Ready to get a handle on your nutrition and get the results you've been striving for?  Then you're in the right place.


About Me

If you've got questions about nutrition, I've got your answers. 

I've been coaching people in the nutrition space for over 10 years.  I would love to pass along the knowledge that I've gained both academically and through real world experience to help you get control over your nutrition.  My goal with my clients is to craft a nutrition a plan that can fit into their lifestyle and not make their lifestyle have to fit their nutrition plan.

My Coaching Principles

What can you expect from coaching?


We will connect weekly via a phone call to discuss your previous week along with prep for the upcoming week.

Customized Nutrition

I'll make sure you have the right nutrition plan so that you can reach your goals.


I'll be your resource to get all of your nutrition and weight loss questions answered.

What exactly is included?

  • Customized nutrition plan based on your goals
  • Free macro adjustments when needed 
  • Coaching and support with your nutrition
  •  Access to Cronometer Gold and get added as a client of mine so I can view and monitor your progress, macros, and food choices 
  • A Macro and Progress Tracking document so you can monitor your progress from Day 1  
  • Access to my Macro Foundations Course to cover all the basics of tracking
  • A 45-minute intake call where we can go more in depth with your goals, diet history, current nutrition, schedule and life to make sure we have the right gameplan for you.
  • 15-minute phone call EVERY WEEK to review progress, make changes to your nutrition plan, plan for the following week and answer any questions you have.

Can I answer Your Questions?


Still have questions?

You can reach out via email, [email protected], or use my scheduler to set up a free consultation call.  

Schedule Consultation Call

Coaching Options 

I've got coaching packages to fit all your needs, the environment you'll thrive in and your budget.  


3 Months


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6 Months


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12 Months


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Coaching Packages With Payment Plan Options  




Monthly Subscription

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3 Months


2 Payments

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6 Months


4 Payments

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12 Months


8 Payments

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